Rather than bore you with details of packing the car, checklists, and arguments two miles from home about who forgot the toilet paper, we figured our first blog would address one of the most important facets of our journey:
What to name the van?
We began the naming project the day we bought her/him/them. We put naming suggestions out to our kids, their partners, the Hatheway brothers (Dave & Bob) and friends. Here are some of their suggestions.
Vincent (Van Go). We kind of liked that one until Damon mentioned that we’d have to saw off one of the side mirrors. Killjoy.
Vanna White. Cute, as the van is white, and the abbreviation is VW. Reportedly, it was inspired by the following photo. Brother Bob gets credit.

The Candyman Van. Captures an era, as well as our sweet tooths. Suggested by Damon.
Van Trapp Family (Van). Lyrical, put forward by Julia. Beats the crap out of her other suggestion (see last one).
Chitty, Chitty, Van, Van. Useful, because when we break down it morphs into ‘Shitty, shitty, Van, Van’. Adorably suggested by Emma.
Van Diesel. The most macho name, offered by David Murray. Except it runs on gas.
Reckless AVandom. Unquestionably captures the spirit of its owners. Suggested by Marea.
Vanderlust. Spot on. Suggested by Al Pavlis
Vanny, Vidi, Vinci. Wow! We vanned, we saw, we conquered (or maybe we got conquered). Stunningly, this was NOT suggested by Damon or Hannah. Kudos to Albert.
Vangardium Leviosa. Well, the top does pop up, which is a form of levitation. Again, simply staggering that neither Damon nor Hannah, but rather David Murray, made this suggestion.
Dick…Van…Dyke. Think about it. Do we deserve that? Only Damon could have thought of it.
Child Catcher. OMG! Julia!!! Really?!?
The naming contest remains open. Vote your favorite or write in a candidate. We’d love to hear your suggestions.